In today’s episode we talk wellness motivation! What kind of wellness do you want for your body? Your self care?  We look at what you want as a woman. Not as a wife. Not as a mom. But what you, as a woman, wants and how it connects to your bigger life vision!  This episode is short and sweet and it’s going to rock your world!

Disclaimer:  This podcast does not constitute medical advice.  You should always speak to your doctor before changing your nutrition or exercise habits.

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wellness motivation – What do you want? – Episode transcript

Lauren Chante 0:20
I have just one question for you today! It’s gonna be a very short and sweet episode. When it comes to your wellness, your body, your self care, what do you want for yourself? What is your wellness motivation?

Lauren Chante 0:38
What do you want? I want you to grab hold of the first thing that comes to mind for your wellness motivation before you have a chance to shove it down. Before you have a chance to layer on the guilt of wanting something that you think is too difficult. Something that doesn’t match up to your role as a wife or as a mother.

Lauren Chante 0:58
It’s so easy for us to push down the things that we want when it’s not convenient for other people. When it’s not convenient for the role that we think that we play in life. We forget that we have the opportunity to redefine who we are and the role that we play at any moment.

Lauren Chante 1:20
This is true for wellness. This is true for life in general. So I really want you to answer this question for yourself. When it comes to your wellness and your body, what do you want? Do not shove down the answer because you feel like it’s silly or shameful or like you’re being selfish. Be really, really honest with yourself because this is so, so important for you as a human being and for your health and for your wellness.

Lauren Chante 1:49
This last week inside of my Facebook group, Rock Your Wellness with Lauren Chante, I did a whole masterclass, a live class on dreaming and the power of dreams. Of course, I just asked you a question about your wellness and what you want for your wellness. But I want you to know that this is all connected to your bigger dreams and your bigger life vision. When we have an anchor for our wellness to a big life vision towards a big purpose, we are more likely to achieve our wellness goals. We are more likely to have a sustainable impact on the way that we treat ourselves.

Lauren Chante 2:29
If you have not watched that masterclass yet, I highly encourage you to go to my Facebook group. You can go to Click on Facebook group and fill out the questions and watch that training because I gave some really specific actionable ways that you can create your bigger life vision. We talked about the fears that hold women back from setting a life vision that’s authentic to who they are and aligned with what they really want. And then how you can use that as an anchor for your wellness.

Lauren Chante 3:02
But all of this starts with a question. What do you want for yourself? What do you want for yourself physically and what do you want for yourself in life?

Lauren Chante 3:10
It’s so interesting because when we are going through the motions of life and we’re first asked to answer that question, with a real genuine, no nonsense, no bullshit, not covering up or altering our answer to please other people. It can be really eye opening, for something as small as wellness, of how many other areas that we’re doing that in too.

Lauren Chante 3:36
So answer that question! I would love to hear the answer from you. You can send it to me on Instagram, tag me in your stories, send it to me in an email or post it in my Facebook group because I know that this exercise is super powerful.