Adulting is no joke, and so many women feel like there’s just no time to take care of themselves. What’s really happening when we feel like we have no time for wellness?  What mindset shifts can we make, beyond the overdone “you make time for what’s important to you”? Whether you’re a busy stay at home mom or a poppin’ career woman, this episode has nuggets of gold for you.  

Disclaimer:  This podcast does not constitute medical advice.  You should always speak to your doctor before changing your nutrition or exercise habits.

Rock Your Wellness with Lauren Chante Podcast Show Notes

**Creating Consistency Breakthrough Call – Time Theme** Click Here

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Work With Me:  Your Daily Journal  – Wellness Reborn Intensive


Hello, dear friends, thank you for joining me today to talk about time, if you’re someone who has ever felt like you don’t have enough time to take care of yourself, this episode is for you. I kind of started bread crumbing bits of this topic on social media over the past week over on Instagram and in my Facebook group. And I started getting a lot of responses to it and a lot of inquiries, and I really want to do justice to it by devoting this episode to really diving into the topics. So get ready, get ready, because this one can get deep.

And I think just about everyone at some point has questioned or felt that they don’t have enough time to care for themselves. And the first thing that I want to do is validate that for you. Because it’s so important to recognize that even if what we think or feel is wrong, it feels very real to us, right and that frenetic experience that you’re having a feeling stressed about time a feeling crunched, a feeling frustrated that you’re trying to cram so much into a short period of time, it feels very real to you. And that is not easy. And I want to honor that. I also want you guys to know that I’m coming at this with such a place of compassion, because I have lived all the hard things in life, just like you’re going through right now whether it’s feeling like you don’t have enough time, because you’re in the little kid years, because you don’t have a spouse who’s around to help a lot. Or maybe you don’t have any family.

Maybe it’s because you’re really diving into your career, whether it’s because you have to or because you absolutely love what you’re doing. And you’re finding it so rewarding. You’re trying to juggle working full time, and also all the obligations that being a wife and a mother have, maybe it’s because your hours at work are so difficult. Or maybe your feeling about time is rooted in financial instability, things are so hard right now financially. And I’ve also been in that position. Now, here’s where I’m going to help you shift away from that, though, because I think you knew this was coming. Time does not have to be something that holds you back no matter what season that you’re in. So while I I’m going to acknowledge and validate how very hard it is to go through what you’re going through right now. And how even though I’m going to honor that, I’m going to invite you to move beyond that because you are capable of taking the hard things that you’re experiencing. And moving beyond that. So let’s talk about this a little bit. Oftentimes, I find that one of the reasons that people think they don’t have enough time to care for their bodies, is because the first step they think they need to take is exercising more. And I see this constantly, usually when I bring people in for my creating consistency calls, which are these free breakthrough calls that I do just to help people get some quick wins in their wellness. And I asked people what they think they need, they’ll always say I think I need to exercise more. When people have tried things in the past and they’ve been unsuccessful with weight loss attempts or with getting well usually the first thing that they’ve tried is joining a gym hiring a personal trainer. And I want you guys to know that I feel very strongly that exercise is not always the right first step for people who have wellness goals. In fact, I would venture to say that it is often not the right first step for most people. Now, of course, I always help my my students make these decisions in conjunction with their doctor because sometimes their doctor will say that there’s a sense of urgency to starting exercise and we have to honor that because a doctor is really the person who is the expert on whether you are healthy and your health risk and so on and so forth. But for most people, most people who are not experiencing an urgent risk to their health

starting an exercise routine is not the first right step in their wellness journey. And this is especially true for people who are really concerned about not having enough time to care for themselves, I would say for people who are stressed about time that starting with an exercise routine is perhaps one of the worst things that you can do. Because regular exercise really and truly does require a huge time commitment. And it can often feel like you’re stretching yourself very thin and bringing yourself to burn out. So it becomes unsustainable, then when you aren’t able to keep up on it, you start getting hard on yourself that you’re not doing it. And the fact of the matter is that in my work with wellness coaching, I have helped people become well lose weight gain more energy, without any exercise, I have had students who were completely and totally bedridden, due to autoimmune diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, who I’ve helped lose up to 40 pounds without exercise. Exercise really and truly, for many people is more extra credit than it is a requirement. And when we start to recognize that it may not be the first place for us to start on our wellness journey, then it lets us look at things that are not as time consuming, which really usually have to do with mindset shifts, and how we’re eating, right. And the great news about that is you don’t need any more time in the day to think differently, and to eat differently. Because you are already spending time during the day thinking and you are already spending time during the day eating, it’s really easy to see this concept with eating right, you are already stopping to eat, you are already thinking about what you are going to eat, you are already spending time going to get things to eat. Even if they’re not the healthiest things, you’re still eating, right. And you’re still spending time every day on doing that. So you don’t need to add more time to your day, when it comes to eating. You just need to make better decisions with the time that you’re already using to eat. And when we recognize that it is so powerful, it’s like wow, I actually don’t need more time, thank goodness, because there’s no way I’m gonna find it. So this is like hallelujah, I didn’t actually need it, I didn’t actually need it in the first place. I just needed to actually use the time that I had, in a way that serves me, right. Usually, when I bring this up to people on calls, and we start breaking through the time thing, it turns out, the real issue is they don’t actually know what they should be doing in the time that they are using to eat. And that really has become the greatest challenge for them is not actually time time is just covering up the real issue, which is the lack of knowledge and understanding. And really, with the work that I do, I’m also really focused on the lack of connection to yourself, right, because I’m really huge and how our internal wisdom can propel the choices that we make about what we eat and how we eat.

Don’t go anywhere yet, there’s more of this episode to come. But I just wanted to take a quick break, to remind you guys to join the Facebook group for this podcast, it is the best place to extend the conversation around these episodes and to get to know your fellow listeners. So head to the show notes and make sure you join up. I will see you there.

So letting go have time as a reason that you can’t care for yourself really lets you focus in on what the challenge really is, which is so special. That kind of the next step is okay, well, if I need to learn how to use that time better, like I don’t have time to learn, like I just don’t have that. And I want you guys to know that with my students, it only takes 45 minutes a week for us to make massive change to how you approach your eating. So that’s really like why I don’t do math very well, which is why I’m a wellness coach. So I’m doing multiples of five in my head. That’s how many how many is that’s a little bit more than five minutes a day, right? A little bit more than five minutes today. So if you’re really stressed about time, really stressed about dedicating to your career, like if we really think about it, no matter how high pressure of a career you have, no matter how difficult your children are, most of us can figure out 45 minutes a week, most of us can figure out like seven minutes a day to focus on something. So I want to ask you is your objection to being able to learn about your wellness? Something that you’re giving unnecessary power to or is it actually a real issue? Right after we get rid of the idea of starting your wellness journey with things that are really

Time heavy that require more time, then the question we ask is, is your fear about taking time to learn? really true, it’s valid? Because it’s what you’re feeling. But is it actually true? Or is it something that you’re giving power that you need to take power away from, because it’s a false story, right. And

when we really look at parenting, when we really look at career and trying to make ourselves super successful in our careers, it’s really like five minutes a day, is not going to break or make your career 45 minutes a week is not going to make or break your career. 45 minutes a week is not going to make or break your home thinking and your ability to care for your children. So we have to really embrace that and start to identify this mindset that is limiting us from taking steps forward.

It’s really, really powerful when we do that, and allows us to let go of so much stress and anxiety so that we can actually get started and caring for ourselves, and keep up with caring for ourselves for the long term.

So I hope you can see now how,

if you’ve been stressed about time, if you’ve been frustrated about time, if you had been preventing yourself from getting started on your wellness journey, because of time that you don’t have to do that anymore, you get to have it all you get to have peaceful wellness, you get to have the home life that you want, you get to have an amazing career. If you work, you get to have passions and hobbies, if you don’t work, or even if you do work, everybody should have passions and hobbies, you get to have it all. You don’t have to pick between one or the other. And I think so many women think that they have to pick, they have to pick the career, they have to pick pouring into their children, they have to pick wellness, and it’s only one that they can pick. And that is just not the case. I think a lot of times people think that’s the case, because

they’re really just inundated with poor methods, all the wellness methods that you’ve learned in the past, the diets, the weight loss methods, the workout methods, they’re all junk, I can’t really find a nice way to say it’s a little blind, they’re all junk. And that’s why you don’t have the time for them because they don’t work with who you are and your unique life. And there’s no nuance and no art to them. They’re all cookie cutter, a lot of us are experiencing the same thing in our careers, you guys are working like crazy. And being totally taken advantage of at work oftentimes, because there’s just like all these cookie cutter ideas about what work is supposed to look like about what our jobs are supposed to look like about how women are supposed to be in the workplace. Same thing with motherhood, we’re just subscribing to all these black and white ideas that don’t serve us anymore about what motherhood is supposed to look like. So it’s not really time deep down. That is the issue as much as all of the bad information, the bad habits and the bad culture surrounding these areas of our lives. Now, I can’t really fix the the career areas or the parenting areas for you, I can recommend some amazing podcasts for that. But I’m telling you when it comes to wellness, that’s my jam to make this lighter and easier if you so you get to have it all. And I can say this because I can honestly say I have it all in my life. I have a career that I love, that puts that puts money in the bank account and food on the table for my family. I have incredible wellness, I have a home that I love that’s well cared for that’s kept well that I enjoy being in my relationship with my children, even though parenting is always hard. I feel good about my relationship with my children. So I know that you can have all this because I’m not that different from you. Like we’re not millionaires. I wasn’t like a trust fund. Baby. I don’t have a ton of help with my children. We don’t have a nanny. We don’t, you know, have a chauffeur driving us around. In fact, as a military family, we have a lot of hardship in our life with my husband gone a lot. We’ve had a lot of medical challenges with my daughter, I’ve constantly had to move. And so that’s been challenging for my career. Entrepreneurship is not the easiest thing to get into and to make a sustainable business out of so I’m telling you like, I don’t have these things because my life is magical and sparkly and easy. And I keep some sort of genie in the closet that grants three wishes. My life is like this because it is possible. It’s possible for everybody from all walks of life. But after we validate our feelings and acknowledge how hard things are, we have to make a choice to think differently and act differently. So I’m really excited to help people who are like having a lightbulb moment right now or like ding ding ding ding ding. This just blew my mind. This has totally been the way I’ve been thinking I need help taking the next step. So something that I’m doing for the next week because I have a little extra time on my schedule. As I’m giving away five free breakthrough calls. They’re called Creating Consistency Calls just for people who feel like oh my gosh, this time thing is for me, you don’t even have to know what you want to talk about on the call, you could just come on and be like, listen, that episode really resonated with me like helped me a little bit helped me a little bit helped me get to the next step. And we’ll spend 20 or 30 minutes, just getting you one easy win related to your next best step. So you can go to the show notes. To schedule that call. Like I said, it’s limited, I’m only doing five of those over the next week. You can also go to if you just want to type it in and not go to the show notes. So I am so excited to get a chance to work with some of you guys a little bit more closely this week on this topic. If you loved this episode, please share it out. I mean, this message to get into the hands of so many women because so many people are struggling with this objection of time to their wellness, and we have to shift the culture amongst women, that time is something that is going to hold us back because it doesn’t have to.

Don’t go away yet because I have one more important message about time. If you don’t have a lot of time, it’s crucial that you’re using the time you do have wisely. That’s one of the reasons I created your daily journal, which is my journal and video course that helps you take data on your body so you can figure out what actually is working for it. That way you won’t be wasting time on cookie cutter methods that don’t work. So if you want to check that out, you can go to or head to the show notes. I know that this tool will really help you to maximize the time that you do have for your wellness