I’m bringing you inside my unique method of wellness coaching and sharing a few key points, so you can understand how to get results from your weight loss or wellness journey.  

Disclaimer:  This podcast does not constitute medical advice.  You should always speak to your doctor before changing your nutrition or exercise habits.  


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Work With Me:  Your Daily Journal – Cracking The Wellness Code – Wellness Reborn


All right y’all – welcome back to the podcast, and today I am going to answer some questions from some listeners. A lot of people have been asking me lately- well, actually they’ve been saying Lauren, I love your podcast it’s amazing… I don’t understand what you actually do.

And I was like OH that might be a good podcast episode. So, I’m going to share a little bit more about my work today. So lean in, tune in and let’s get this going.

A lot of you guys probably know that about 18 months after having my oldest child, I had a brush with an eating disorder. I made myself throw up for the first time and in that moment, even though I was supposed to be an expert on weight loss – I had already been in the fitness industry for a while at that point…I recognized that everything I had earned about wellness, weight loss, fitness, dieting all those things… its was wrong.

And in that moment it was the thing that sparked ten years of research into what I currently do now. In the process of researching about wellness and nutrition and all that stuff, I really learned that it’s very important to protect your mental health and sanity while you’re on a wellness journey.

Most diets really don’t respect the intricacy of who we are as human beings, so they actually become threats to our mental health often times without actually getting the results we’re looking for. And when I’m making about traditional diets I’m talking about things like whole 30, keto, intermittent fasting, south beach diet, cleanses, juicing, anything you would buy from mlm companies, any of those things.

There are many people who get results from them and many people who do ok with them but they do not respect the intricacy of who we are as human beings. From my research, I recognized that there are different lessons and different mindsets that need to be fixed that are really key for us to be able to thrive, not just physically, but to be able to thrive mentally and emotionally.

Because if you’re physically well but your mental health is in the garbage can, are you really well? No, you’re not really well. So this is really important to me.

The first phase of what I think you need to know in order to be successful is that you have to be in touch with what works for your unique body and your unique life Most of the time we’re just looking outside of ourselves for answers about how we’re supposed to be eating and how were supposed to be exercising.

That just doesn’t work – because you’re NOT other people.

I experienced this personally after having my first child and having a hard time losing weight. I was looking at what other people were doing and I didn’t really understand how my own body was working AT ALL.

This has worked for my clients again and again… when you stop taking your mental focus on what other people are doing and you learn to listen to your body, learn to take data on your body to learn what your body actually responds to… that’s when you start getting the best results. The cool thing about it is you get these amazing results with putting a little less effort and a little less energy into what you’re doing than you do with a traditional diet. Because you’re really in tune with the things that are giving you the most bang for your buck.

The things that are getting you the most improvement in how you feel and how you look compared to just doing this big list of things that somebody told you should do for some random reason that may sound scientific but is actually a little fishy. So, as women, this is so important because (as I’ve talked about in other episodes) we often times carry the mental load for our families, a lot of us are working full time, if you’re a SAHM that’s extremely rigorous too…

We have SO much on our plates and at the end of the day there is very little that’s left for US. And it’s important that we take the energy and the time that we have less and we make it count . We can’t be wasting that time and energy on things that don’t really work. We don’t have enough of that left to begin with.

It’s so especially important, when you finally get to the point that you’re ready to change, that you have an experience that gives you the reward – gives you a little taste of success – you want to keep moving forward. And when you do a traditional diet, like the ones that I named, your chances of having success are high in the first few days or maybe even the first few weeks, but your chances of success fall off pretty significantly in the long term.

Most people find that, after that initial period, they have very few opportunities to be successful. It’s super important to shift our mindset away from jumping to diet to diet and to finding what works for your unique body and life. If you want more information on how to actually do that, you want Your Daily Journal. I made Your Daily Journal, which is my mini course and downloadable journal, I made that the first step because it’s SO important.

It’s also my most affordable program because I want everybody to have access to this idea. Honestly, so many people lose a ton of weight just using Your Daily Journal… without ever going on to my other programs. I’ve gotten emails from people saying I’ve only been using this for a month and I’ve already lost 10 lbs. It’s a very amazing and empowering tool, especially if you feel like your body is broken or your body doesn’t respond to dieting the way other people’s do.

Maybe you suspect you have a hormonal or metabolic thing going on…. it’s a really amazing tool (please note, it’s not designed to diagnose or treat medical conditions).

It’s also a really amazing tool if you need to learn to rediscover your food freedom. I had a lot of phobias around eating certain foods for a long time because I thought I was going to gain weight from eating them. But that just wasn’t the case – when I saw it in black and white, and I used my journal, I saw that it didn’t happen. I was able to feel good about the foods I loved because I saw that they didn’t impact my body in the way I was perceiving they did.

The Next Step

Once you learn what works for your unique body and life, then you start to get to the point where you understand your body really well and then you want to start to do things to accelerate the change.

A lot of questions come up – what do I do now, what do I play with, what do I experiment with to see how my body changes and to get the changes I want. And that’s the next step of what I teach. I don’t just teach what I can do to cause your body to change, in terms of eating and exercise… the most important thing I teach is the guiding questions that you need to ask yourself when you’re making choices on what to do next on your wellness journey These guiding questions are super important because if you ask the right questions and you make your decisions based of the right questions….

Its’ actually just one question I have you guys ask in my method…

Your odds of success sky rocket. I can’t tell you what the question is. I can’t go over it in here because we don’t have all the time to cover all the material that leads up to this question and how to learn it, but it’s the most amazing gift to your physical results and to your mental health…. everything just stops being overwhelming.

One of the first things people always say to me after we start talking is that they’ve been trying to make a change and they just feel SO overwhelmed about where to begin. And that completely goes away when you have the right guiding question in place for the decisions that you make.

It’s such a beautiful thing to see people going from this place of overwhelm and frustration to just being totally empowered.

The amazing thing about this is I don’t want you to just be set right now.

I want you to be able to thrive every time your body changes or your season of life changes.

Right now, I’m in the season of life where I have little kids . One day I”m going to have teens. One day I’m going to be an empty nester. One day I’m going to go through menopause. One day I’m going to be a senior citizen. One day, I might have surgery that affects the way my body functions.

This method and this guiding question is meant to work in every situation you will enocounter in the future. The beautiful thing about this is, because this method is designed to work with every season of life, you’re now empowered to manage your own wellness for the rest of your life.. instead of having to constantly require a coach, having to rebuy a program, spend a ton of money every 4 to 5 years from working with a coach.

My goal is to teach you and empower you to be your own wellness strategist so you literally never need me again. It’s a terrible business model, but in terms of really serving you and creating value in your life, like I said on the last podcast episode, your life is LONG. You have a lot of life ahead of you. I really want to prepare you for the rest of our life, not just right now… right now, you’re kind of feeling that pain of not being in the physical shape you want to be in… but on your behalf, I’m thinking long belong the immediate moment. I’m thinking of the long game for you.

It’s just so beautiful to be in the position where, when you body changes and your life changes, you’re not going to be overwhelmed . You’re not going to be confused. You’re not going to be grasping at straws for what the next best right choice is for you. It is so beautiful.

And then to think of the fact that when you really master this you get to pass it on to your children, to your daughters, and teach them ad different way of doing things… the generational change that this can make and the sense of ease that it can can instill, both in you and in your children, when it comes to caring for your body… it’s just absolutely phenomenal to me.

And that’s just with the guiding questions I teach.

All of this is taught in Cracking the Wellness Code, which is my signature method of wellness coaching in a self study format. I use the same principles and the same guiding question in the Wellness Reborn Intensive. Anybody who joins Wellness Reborn gets access to my course materials from Cracking The Wellness Code in addition to some other materials…

The difference with Wellness Reborn is that I’m there, face to face with you, and I am helping you get through the material, apply it to your life and, especially, I’m especially watching for the mindsets that you’re having trouble shifting away from.

I talk a lot about mindset shifts in the program, but a lot of us hold on to those old mindsets even when we’ve been told to let go of them. So sometimes you need someone listening to be like “I just heard you say this. That’s the old mindset. Let’s try this again with the new mindset.” Or, “I heard you say this, but let’s talk about the emotions underneath that. The beliefs underneath it . Because we need to tackle those so you can execute this message the way it’s meant to be executed.”

It’s so beautiful. I just got off a session with a student in Wellness Reborn and we did a ton of work around beliefs and emotions, and it is really really amazing to see how important hat work is for how we feel about ourselves and for the results that we’re going to get. Another thing that’s super important to teach people is how their psychology plays in to their ability to be successful with their wellness journey…

Whether that’s weight loss, or just feeling good in your skin. I teach a lot about both psychology and nutrition in Cracking the Wellness Code and Wellness Reborn. I talk about exactly how to eat and exactly how to exercise… the framing point is always that we’re looking at a starting point, because I don’t believe in a specific dogma for telling people what to eat… I Believe that we’re all built uniquely and you have to get in touch with what works for your unique body and life. But I can also provide a firm starting point so you’re less overwhelmed and have an easy jumping off point. So we talk about all that – recommendations from registered dietitians, the science, etc.

But the psychology and how it impacts what you choose to do and how it impacts your use of the guiding question is the really powerful thing about this program.

What I believe in is resetting your autopilot habits. Those are the things that you do without even thinking about them when it comes to your food and it comes to your exercise.

The example I always use is… I’ve got three little kids, and when they were really little… and, it’s better now but sometimes it’s still rough… when we would go to the grocery story it was like the seventh circle of he double hockey sticks for me.

I was so stressed out because I would have kids running everywhere. My youngest was so insane that I had to carry her in a baby backpack on my back. It got to the point where she used to be really mad that she was in there, and she used to pinch the back of my neck while we were in the store, or pull on my hair, and one time she even bit me while she was in the carrier.

When I went to the grocery store, I was literally just in survival mode. My husband was deployed that year, so there was no going to the grocery store by myself and instant cart was really expensive and not realistic. I would go to the store and somehow, magically, through this horrible experience of having all 3 kids there at once, I would leave the store with exactly what I needed to nourish and serve our bodies.

I would do that because I had an autopilot that was set prior to this experience, so I was naturally reaching for the things and I naturally knew the things that were going to serve us, without having to use any of my brain power. Let’s be honest, my brain was shut down and I was in pure survival mode. That’s your autopilot. It’s the same thing… when you have a horrible week, when you have a death in the family, or you have a kid how is sick… lf you’re like me and you just had at the stomach flu go through your house… that takes you out for like 10 days when you have a big family

When those things hit and your brain just shuts down because you’re so exhausted, your auto pilot is either working for you or it’s working against you. When I work with clients on the method I teach about resetting your autopilot habits… this means that, instead of going through these difficult seasons and having your autopilot work against you, you’re actually able to make it through these difficult seasons and be pretty OK. During this seasons when other people gain weight, feel cruddy in their bodies… yes, you might eat a pan of brownies occasionally. Yes, you might need to eat fast food because of what’s going on. But, for the most part you’re able to hold it together pretty darn well.

And that’s what creates consistency. Consistency doesn’t mean anything if you’re only consistent when life is easy. The whole point is to be able to do it even when life is hard. If you can do that, that means you’ll be able to create consistency nearly for the rest of your life. That’s what makes weight loss that you don’t have severe rebound from. That’s what makes a situation where you feel good about your mental health and you feel about about your body, because you’re getting results, you’re keeping your results, and you’re seeing that you actually are a rockstar in a way that you never expected to be a rock star before (if you have this notion that you’re not good at dieting or your body is broken).

Its really beautiful. I really feel the work that I do is beautiful because it helps women not just org et physical result sand not just to protect their sanity, but to discover their belief in thresmevels . When yo ugh on diets and you fail on the mover and over and when y’ie gained weight and you don’t feel good in your skin…. maybe it’s not weight gain, maybe it’s that you don’t feel good because you’re too thin… when you’ve been through that, it really damages your sense of self. And it really damages what you believe about yourself. It takes away from how you show up in the world . It takes away from your ability to be the brightest version of yourself. That’s not okay. I’m here to help women restore belief in themselves through the work that I do, so you can show up as the best and brightest version of you…. so you’re no longer shrinking from being in the limelight, so you’re not living small anymore.

It’s so beautiful to watch the hope come back to the women that I work with. To watch their belief in themselves return. To start seeing their identities change from someone who failed and makes mistakes or is bad at dieting, is an emotional eater, to NO…actually that’s not who I am. I’m a little bit of a wonder woman. I’m a little bit of a queen of words . I’m an empowered woman, a strong woman, a woman who can make change in my life when I choose to make change. As long as someone puts the right tools in my hands, I am capable, powerful and passionate. That’s really what I love about my work and what I love about my method.

You know, I’m obviously a little biased but I really don’t think there’s anything else out there quite like what I do. I’m a god girl, for those of you are religious you know what I mean, but I really almost believe that the work that I do and the method I have put together is kind of too good for me to have created on my own. I kind of feel like it’s a divine download where the good lord gave it all to me and made it really easy for me. I know that I did earn and learn a lot of this through life experience but it does feel like there is this part that is almost divine intervention. It’s just so beautiful and so it feels too good to be mine .

I hope that answers the questions that those of you who asked me had. And, you know, it’s such a huge deal to invest in your wellness because it is a sign of your readiness to change, right? And when you invest in your wellness, it’s so important that you take advantage of a method that will actually give you results because otherwise your readiness to change is just going to go away. You’re going to get knocked back to that place of ambivalence, where you’re thinking about changing but you’re not quite ready yet, where you know you want to change but you’re not quite ready yet, where you want to feel different in your skin but you just can’t seem to change the way you’re thinking, feeling and acting. It makes me so upset when I see people who are really ready to change, and they try one of those traditional diets and it just knocks them on their butt and you go back to exactly where you were before they started the diet and they don’t feel like change anymore.

I know that investing in working with me is not for everyone, which is one of the reasons why I have this podcast. Because i wanted something free and available to people to help them make mindset sfhits. It’s another reason that Your Daily Journal is so affordable, only $67 and I often run sales on it during the year. So there is so much work that you can do even if you don’t think that you’re really in the position to invest in working with me one on one, in the intensive program.

With Cracking the Wellness Code, I made it a self study version because I wanted the price tag to be more affordable than the intensive and there’s also a 6 month payment plan there. So, if you haven’t looked at cost of Cracking The Wellness Code because you’re like… I can’t afford it, I know it, I can barely afford getting my hair cut…. take a look at the payment plan because it’s a lot more realistic than a lot of people think it is. Some people charge more for payment plans and I do not do that. It may be more realistic than you think if you have good financial planning.

Finally, if you’re just a wonder woman at heart and you’re just ready to step into your power and get this thing done once and for all… you have to come see if the intensive is right for you. The Wellness Reborn Intensive is really special. It’s your chance to work with me very closely in a one on setting. You can schedule a free call just to find out if that’s a good fit for you. There’s no pressure from these calls, it’s just a time for us to connect and for me to see if working together intensively is a right fit for you… because it’s not for everybody and it definitely has to be. So, I hope whether we work together or not in one of my programs, that this has been enlightening for you. I think that just understanding my method can shift the way you look at dieting and the world. Can’t wait to talk to you guys next time!