Episode Description: Are you ready for more deep mindset work to help you on your wellness journey?  Join me as I dive into some stories from my own life, to illustrate the mindset of “Believe in Solutions.”  

Disclaimer:  This podcast does not constitute medical advice.  You should always speak to your doctor before changing your nutrition or exercise habits.  


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Work With Me:  Your Daily Journal – Cracking The Wellness Code – Wellness Reborn

No time to listen? No problem! You can read a transcript of the episode, below. It may not be perfectly word for word, but it’s just about right!


Hey friends – welcome back to the show. I am pumped up today to dive back into some deep mindset stuff. You guys know I am so passionate about not just the logical and science driven side of wellness, but about the issues of the heart and the issues about how we see the world. I’m really excited to share this one with you today. It’s got a lot of touch from my own life, it’s called Believe in Solutions, so let’s get into it!

People like to call me brave.  

When I was a teenager trying to get my driver’s license, I had to take a series of driver safety classes required by the state of Connecticut for teens to get their drivers’ licenses. 

It was in  a big old office building.  My mom dropped me and off and I sat in a suite filled with chairs and desks.  It was a really sterile room with white walls, bright, fluorescent lights overhead and commercial carpeting.  Other teens began filing in and taking seats. 

I didn’t know anyone there.  There was a big tv monitor up front, the kind we used to use in the 90s… those clunky, giant tvs we used to watch.  

For two hours, the course instructor showed us video after video about people whose lives had been ruined by drunk driving, reckless driving and more. 

In one of the videos, a man who had been paralyzed from the neck down by a reckless driver told his story.  The instructor paused the video and asked “Who here would want to live like that?” 

It was definitely one of those shock-and-awe style questions, meant to terrify teenage drivers.  It seemed to be working on my classmates. 

I don’t think he expected me to raise my hand to speak, but… being me… I did.  “There’s always something to live for.  There’s always a reason.  If that happened to me, I would fight to find my reason.  I know I could find a way.”  

After class, the instructor walked me out to my car.  He looked at my mom and said “your daughter doesn’t have to come back to class, tomorrow.  Here’s her completion certificate.” 

I remember feeling a little confused about why he did that, but I also understood that something about my reaction to those videos was different from my peers.  

I forgot about that day for a long time.  Flash forward a few decades, to now – when people have calling me brave.  

I understand that, at face value, my life looks like braveness is imprinted on it.  At the age of 12, I decided to go to college instead of high school.  I ultimately graduated from college a few months after I turned 16.  

After graduate school, I moved to New York City by myself.  I didn’t know a single person.  I lived there for a year, before my then-boyfriend-now-husband got orders to move to California. 

With the help of only my mom, I packed my things into my Chevy Monte Carlo and began the process of moving across the entire country to live in California – a state that I had never se.  

I’ve endured life as a military wife for more than a decade, and survived things like my husband leaving for war 6 days after our son was born, caring for our 3 kids for a full year while he was gone and packing up entire homes without his presence.  

I’ve built this business from the ground up, learning everything from technology, sales and marketing to how to get over fears of posting on social media or doing live video… built it into a profitable business that serves dozens of women every year, so they find peace with their wellness habits.  

None of these things were easy.  

And yes, I am brave.  But none of this happened because I was brave. 

You see, when you step out in braveness it’s a moment where you confront your fears and embrace the fact that you don’t know what’s going to happen.  Yet, you choose to jump anyways.  I’ve been there and I’ve done that.  

For me, that’s not what I do and it’s not what marks my life.  To me, it happened because I believe.  While I’m a god girl, this isn’t exactly a moment where I’m talking about my Christian faith. 

You see, I believe in solutions….. and I have since I was a little girl.  I believe that almost every problem is solvable.  I believe it HARD, in my bones.  Part of it is because of my background in the sciences, I think. 

I have seen, again and again, how many problems the human race has solved.  Part of it likely has always been because of my belief in a higher power, which has always been a constant in my life (even when we didn’t go to church).  

No matter what the reason is, in my life, or what your beliefs are…I have never ever encountered a problem in my own life for which I could not find a solution. 

Oftentimes, the solution did not come immediately.  Sometimes it would take days, weeks and even months for that solution to come to the surface.  But, in my life, the solution has ALWAYS come. 

The thing about believing in solutions is that you’re more likely to find them when you believe in them.  There’s a fire lit under you to google search, network and investigate your way to it. 

People who don’t believe in solutions shut down and focus their energy on coping with the situation they’re in.  Even when a solution is placed right in front of them, they won’t see it or they’ll write it off as something that would “never work for them.”  

The power of belief can change everything about how we see the world around us and the opportunities that are placed before us. 

Just like a real estate investor has a trained eye for the best properties to buy, you can train your eye to see solutions where others do not.  

When you believe in solutions, you don’t need to be brave anymore.  You just need to stay sane while you wait for your solution to find you. 

Friend, have you lost your belief in solutions?  Or maybe you never found it in the first place?  Where in your life can you recommit to opening your eyes to solutions, and waiting for them with patience? 

I am loving the conversations that we’re having on this podcast and I want more women to be part of them. But I need your help! For the month of February, I would love it if you could text the women in your life that you really care about with a link to this podcast.

If you take a screenshot of those text messages and email them to my email address. I will enter you into a raffle to win one seat in Cracking the Wellness Code which is my signature wellness coaching program in a self-study format valued at over $500. So with every text that you get, you can have an entry to win that as my way of saying “Thank you” for bringing more people to this podcast so that more people can be free from toxic mindsets about wellness. Can’t wait to see who wins! 

Have you joined the Rock Your Wellness Podcast official Facebook group? If not, what are you waiting for? It is the best place to continue conversation about these episodes and get to know your fellow listeners. If you’d like to do that, the link is in the show notes for this episode.

I can’t wait to see you there!

If you’d like to work with me more on your wellness journey, there are three ways you can do that. I suggest always starting with Your Daily Journal, which is my short and sweet program that will teach you how to take data on your body so you can figure out what is actually working for it.

Then, you can either move on to Cracking the Wellness Code, which is my signature wellness coaching method and a self-study plan or you can schedule an exploratory call for Wellness Reborn, which is my intensive program where I will hold your hand while we tear down your wellness habits and build them back up again.