Description: Let’s get your wellness journey off on the right foot. In this episode, you’ll learn exactly why wellness, weight loss and health are so challenging for us. You’ll also explore a difficult question about how you view the world, so you can experience epic breakthrough.
Show notes:
Episode 1 Download – Journal Prompts
Continue the Conversation – Rock Your Wellness Podcast Official Facebook Group
Work With Me: Your Daily Journal – Cracking The Wellness Code – Wellness Reborn
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Welcome to the first episode of the Rock Your Wellness Podcast, I am SO pumped to be here to day and I am going to be delivering some ideas that are really going to rock your world when it comes to how you think about your wellness.
Before I get into this new idea that i want to share today, it’s really important that I share a foundation for my work. Some of you guys maybe have heard me talk about this on social media before. If you aren’t new to what I believe in, please do not tune out because sometimes when you hear things a second time…. I might say things a little differently, it might resonate with you and cause some “aha” moments. I can’t tell you how much of your success on your wellness journey is about “Aha” moments.
So tune in, lean in… if you’re the type of person who likes to take notes, go grab some notes. And let’s talk.
Wellness Mindset
The number one thing that I believe in is that wellness is not easy. And whether wellness for you means weight loss, health, being more energetic, strong, whatever it is… it’s note easy in this day and age. And there’s actually a really concrete reason why. It’s not this woo woo thing where it’s just like let’s all have self love and be lovely and everybody be kind to each other and acknowledge that wellness is hard.
No, it’s actually very concrete, very scientific, very logical. So let’s talk about that a little bit.
I look at a wellness from the perspective of what our ancestors used to live like. If you looked back to our ancestors thousands of years ago, nobody ever consciously manipulated their weight and nobody consciously manipulated their bodies. That was not something that was done.
Your body changed based on your living environment, based on how much food was available and how food was not available in your environment, based on the types of foods that were available, how much activity you had to do on a daily basis in order to maintain your survival, right? And that is no longer the way that we live.
We do not live in an environment where our food sources naturally fluctuate. We no longer have seasonal foods, we no longer have periods of feast and famine throughout our lives.
So, because of that ,we have this growing epidemic of people worrying about their weight, people gaining weight, a preoccupation with health and wellness, because nature doesn’t regulate our weight or regulate our bodies for us anymore. And this has really created an absolutely massive amount of complications.
I want to give you guys an analogy that is super important for understanding this. Imagine that you have chronic headaches. You’re getting a chronic headache everyday. You’re not just going to pop Tylenol for your headache everyday for the rest of your life (well, maybe you are – if you are, maybe you’re there, you shouldn’t do that!).
You need to get to the root of what is causing that chronic headache or that chronic issue. What is the root problem? Any time we’re dealing with a problem, whether it’s with our bodies, with life, with politics, with society, we need to understand the root instead of just addressing the symptom. However, with wellness, with weight and with health we can’t really do that anymore – because we live in a food rich environment. We no longer live in an environment where we have feast or famine.
And frankly, no one is going to put themselves in that position voluntarily – especially if you’re a parent and you have a family. You’re not going to be like, ok kids, we’re going to let our body’s naturally regulate our health and only eat what’s available in our environment!
And because of that, we’re left scraping for the next best thing, the next best solution to our symptoms, the next best solution to our problems, without actually addressing the root problem. And let me tell you guys, this is a gargantuan task. It’s absolutely enormous. When you work in the wellness industry and you finally wrap your head around what we’re trying to do when we help people, it’s this huge task and it can almost seem really overwhelming and little impossible.
So, I want you guys to understand that everybody who is working in the wellness industry, everybody who is creating diets, everybody is just grasping at straws to find the next best thing to addressing the root of our challenges with wellness.
It’s incredibly complex and nobody really acknowledges this. Instead, what happens is, often times, the shame and the responsibility is put back on YOU, it’s put back on YOU if you just aren’t motivated enough, or you’re just not tough enough to follow the diet, or you just don’t have the control to stop cheating on food, or if you just don’t have the discipline to go to the gym, if you just don’t care enough about your body, if your priorities aren’t right.
It just piles all this guilt and same back on the people. Not only is it horrible and just an awful way to live, it’s just literally a lie. It’s not true at all. I hesitate to use the word lie because it implies that people are consciously trying to manipulate others. And it’s very possible that that’s not always the case and that people just literally don’t think about wellness in that way.
Everybody out there who is listening right now – you are trying to work with a situation that really ought to be almost impossible. But, because of the fact that this world is an amazing place and we have science and we have really smart people who care about making a difference in this world, we’re making progress. We’re starting to find solutions. We’re starting to find better ways of doing things than things have ever been done before. But it still is a tremendous challenge.
Now, I’m talking about this thing that I believe in that’s very science based and very logical. But there’s also a side of wellness that doesn’t really sit in tat logical side of the brain. There’s a side of wellness that every much sits in the heart. When I talk about what I believe in about food, what I believe in when it comes to nutrition and what I believe in about psychology – all of that is well and good, but there are other things I believe in too. And that’s where I want to take that podcast episode today.
I want you to know that the most important thing that I believe in is YOU. I believe that people are doing the best they can. Now, that’s no the same thing at all as saying that we are all doing the perfect thing. But I believe that people are doing the best that they can. And I want you to ask yourself, or ask you to ask yourself, if YOU believe that. Do you believe people are doing the best they can at any given moment in their lives. And the reason I ask this question is because that means a lot when it comes to how you treat yourself. Because you are a person.
If you don’t believe that other people are doing the best they can at any moment, you won’t believe that YOU are doing the best you can at this moment. And the way that you treat your wellness, and the way that you take care of yourself will be juristically different.
So we really need to dive into this ,we really need to consider this question for ourselves, and figure out what you really believe. And this may take some wrestling – it may take a couple of weeks or even months for you to sit with questions, to think about it on your card rides, to journal about it, to really try to chew on this question and figure out what you believe. Because, trust me, when you start asking this complex question of yourself there’s going to be a lot of baggage that goes with it. There’s a lot to unpack.
But if you believe that people are doing the best that they can, that means that you believe that any give moment you are doing the best you can. Which means that instead of approaching your wellness from a place of shame, a place of frustration, a place of giving up when you’re not doing things perfectly… instead of shaming yourself, you’re going to be approaching it from a place of compassion and a place of self love.
As a creator of wellness content and of my own wellness method, believing this and recognizing that this idea is a core principle of what I believe in, not just as a human being but as a wellness coach, really shifted the way that I worked to create my wellness method.
The bottom line is, if I believe that you are doing the best that you can in your life, in your wellness, in everything RIGHT now, then that means that my methods need to meet you where you are at. We don’t need to spend time shaming people that they are not in a better place, we don’t need to spend time telling you that you just need to be tougher, or take this more seriously, or realign your priorities.
We need to recognize that everyone is doing the best they can, so how are we going to meet you where you are at? That beautiful moment of realization for me is what really blossomed my deep dive into understanding the science and the psychology of changing our habits, of being well… because the bottom line is, no matter how challenging your life is, no matter how hard of a time you are going through…. you deserve to be able to care for yourself, you deserve to be able to care for your body.
And after doing this for ears and years and years and refining this method and turning it into online courses and working with private clients using my method, I can tell you it IS possible. No matter how much of a mess you feel you are, no matter how sloppy your life is, how disorganized, or how raw your life has gotten… it IS possible. And that’s why the most important core principle of my work is I BELIEVE IN YOU.
I believe you are doing the best you can and I believe you can get even more and get even farther, just with where you are standing right now. You’re amazing. You’re an amazing creation. You have so much in you, and more importantly the tools are out there to get you where you want to be. But it starts with dropping the negative feelings, dropping the shame, dropping the blame, dropping the guilt and so you can see clearly.
You’re not wasting your mental energy on all that negative stuff and you can use your mental energy now to take a deep breath and say OK it doesn’t matter what else is going on in my life, it doesn’t matter all the labels I am putting on the situation I am in – I can do this. I can take steps forward. I’m with you, I’m here for you, I’m always cheering you on – so this week, I want you to ask yourself this question.
Do you believe that you are doing the best that you can?
You know I’m all about taking action on what you’ve learned because knowledge won’t do anything with you if you don’t act on it. So, to help you out, go to the show notes and there’s a link to a PDF that has journal prompts that will help you process what you learned on this episode.
Also, I have a mission for you. Since this is the very first episode of this podcast, it’s super important that you SUBSCRIBE and LEAVE A REVIEW. This will really help the podcast get into the hands of more people who need it. On that note, go head and share this on social media. Hop on instagram, hop on facebook -t ext it to a girlfriend ,because we want to share the love and all the amazingness of this podcast.
Have you joined the Rock Your Wellness Podcast Official Facebook group? If not, what are you waiting for?? It’s the best place to continue the conversation about these episodes and get to know your fellow audience members. The link is in the show notes.
If you’d like to work with me more on your wellness journey, there are 3 ways you can do that. I suggest always starting with Your Daily Journal, which is your short and sweet program that will teach you how to take data on your body so you can figure out what’s actually working for it. Then, you can move on to Cracking The Wellness Code, which is my signature wellness coaching program in a self-study plan, OR you can schedule an exploratory call for Wellness Reborn, my intensive program where I’ll hold your hand while we tear down your wellness habits and build them up again.